A little over three years ago one of my best friends in the universe brought my sweet goddaughter Marley Grace into the world and she has been lighting up my life ever since. I've never loved someone so tiny so much. I don't know how she does it but she has managed to make a serious impact in my heart and my love for her just keeps growing with no end in site. She has my husband and I wrapped around her little fingers. We melt at the sound of her raspy little voice saying our names,"Keeyy-lluh and Eee-wick." She is absolutely adored by us and we look forward to becoming parents one day so much more since she has been in our lives. As I've watched Marley Grace grow up, I've also watched my sweet friend Amber grow with her. She has become the most incredible mother; selfless, patient, humble and incredibly loving. She is slow to anger, understanding of Marley's needs and determined to give Marley the most amazing life she could offer. I am so proud of the person that Amber is. She has taught me so much about sacrificial love and devotion. She is an incredible example to me about how a Godly mother should live out their love for their children. Two weeks ago, the Thrane family brought another little angel into this world, Lennix Scott Thrane. I was blessed to get to spend the day with him yesterday and capture a few moments behind the lens. I'm already falling in love with the little guy and am so excited to watch him grow over the next many years to come. Congratulations to Bryan, Amber and Marley on their newest addition to the family.